The City of Oshkosh Mayor and City Council met for regular session on February 11, 2021 at 5:00 p.m.
In compliance with the Open Meetings Act of Nebraska, a current copy of the act is posted in the Council Chambers, Courthouse, and Post Office. Notice of this meeting was advertised in the Garden County News. The agenda for this meeting was kept current and available for inspection at the office of the City Clerk.
Mayor Davis called the meeting to order and read the Open Meetings Act, LB 898.
Present were: Mayor, Terry Davis and Council Members: Gary DeCock, Cole Birkel and George Zoucha. Absent: Mike Piva. Also attending: Attorney, Mary Kay Robinson-Boone, Administrator, Bill Campbell and Clerk, LeAnn Brown.
Motion made by DeCock, seconded by Zoucha, to approve the agenda, approve the minutes of the previous meeting and to waive the reading thereof. Voting Aye: DeCock, Zoucha, and
Birkel. Motion carried.
A motion by Zoucha seconded by Birkel, to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Voting Aye: Zoucha, Birkel, and DeCock. Motion carried.
A motion by DeCock, seconded by Zoucha, to approve the following bills. Voting Aye: DeCock, Zoucha, and Birkel. Motion carried. Salaries-16,234.91, IRS-4,613.98, NE Dept. of Revenue-4,807.73, Aflac-85.95, Ameriprise Financial-1,783.60, Bank of America-254.97, Black Hills Energy-193.16, Blue Cross Blue Shield-7,809.76, Bytes-66.00, CenturyLink-193.16, Eagle Auto-18.36, Enviro Service-20.00, Kyle Fornander-120.00, Garden Co. News-85.11, Meyers Construction-319,826.38, Keally Kociemba-63.46, League of Municipalities-395.00, Municipal Automation-8,316.37, National Domains-380.00, Nationwide-190.75, NMC-163.53, NPPD-3,158.61, Northwest Pipe Fittings-279.62, Office Service-14.87, Oshkosh ACE-12.58, Oshkosh Library-500.00, Oshkosh Superette-14.77, Mary Kay Robinson-Boone-885.00, Sedgwick Co. Sales-3,987.72, Jerry Smith-700.00, Spic & Span Cleaners-4,125.00, Valley Tire-1,522.66, Western Resources Group-172.00, Weathercraft-525.00, Wheat Belt PPD-157.20
No Sheriff’s Report available.
Motion by Birkel, seconded by Zoucha, to approve the Animal Control Contact with Jerry and Shiloh Smith. Voting Aye: Birkel, Zoucha, and DeCock. Motion carried.
Mayor Davis opened the Public Hearing for a Class CK Liquor License Application for Stanton Craik Inc., dba SNS Café Oshkosh Liquor Store at 205 & 207 West Avenue A. No persons appeared for or against said liquor license application. Motion by Zoucha, seconded by Birkel, to approve said application. Voting Aye: Zoucha, Birkel, and DeCock. Motion carried.
Motion by DeCock, seconded by Birkel, to approve Ordinance No. 467. Voting Aye: DeCock,
Birkel and Zoucha. Motion carried.
Ordinance No. 467
Section 1.
Ordinance No. 423, Part of Article 5-3, specifically Sections 5-3.1 through 5-3.9 and 5-3.1ARTICLE I
PURPOSE. CITY OF OSHKOSH, by this Article defines its authority to define, regulate, suppress and prevent nuisances, and to declare what shall be a nuisance for its jurisdiction and to provide services to abate same for the health and sanitation of the City. (NRD 18-1720)
(A) NUISANCE. A nuisance consists in doing any unlawful act, or omitting to perform a
a duty, or suffering or permitting any condition or thing to be or exist, which act, omission, condition or thing:
(1) Injures or endangers the comfort, repose, health, or safety of others;
(2) Offends decency;
(3) Is offensive to the senses;
(4) Unlawfully interferes with, obstructs, tends to obstruct, or renders dangerous for passage
any stream, public park, parkway, square, street, or highway in the municipality;
(5) In any way renders other persons insecure in life or the use of property; or
(6) Essentially interferes with the comfortable enjoyment of life and property; or
(7) Tends to depreciate the value of the property of others.
(B) Nuisance includes, but is not limited to, the maintaining, using placing, depositing,
leaving, or permitting of any of the following specific acts, omissions, places, conditions, and
things of:
temporary retention of waste in receptacles nor the dumping of the non-putrefying waste in a place and manner approved by the municipality;
unfinished, which buildings, billboards, or other structures are a fire
hazard, or a menace to the public health or safety, or are so unsightly
as to depreciate the value of property in the vicinity.
12. All places used or maintained as junk yards, or dumping grounds, or for the
wrecking and dissembling of automobiles, truck, tractors, or machinery of
any kind, for the storing or leaving of worn-out, wrecked or abandoned
automobiles, trucks, tractors, or machinery of any kind, or of any of the parts
thereof, or for the storing or leaving of any machinery or equipment used by
contractors or builders or by other persons, which places are kept or
maintained so as to essentially interfere with the comfortable enjoyment of
life or property by others, or which are so unsightly as to tend to depreciate
property values in the vicinity thereof;
13. Stockyards, granaries, mills, pig pens, cattle pens, chicken pens, or any other
place, building or enclosure, in which animals or fowls of any kind are
confined or on which are stored tankage or any other animal or vegetable
matter, or on which any animal or vegetable mater including grain is being
processed, when the places in which the animals are confined, or the premises
on which the vegetable or animal matter is located are maintained and kept in
such a manner that foul and noxious odors are permitted to emanate
therefrom to the annoyance of inhabitants of the municipality or are
maintained and kept in such a manner as to be injurious to the public health;
14. Dead or diseased trees within the right-of-way of streets within the corporate
limits of the City, or on private property within the one-mile zoning jurisdiction beyond the corporate limits (NRS 17-555);
15. Undrained lots which hold or may hold stagnant water or any other nuisance;
16. Any condition which allows the perpetuating of insects and rodents;
17. Storage, accumulation, keeping, placing, or allowing to remain trash,
garbage, scrap and wrecked, worn-out, broken or inoperative, or partially
destroyed or disassembled personal or real property of any kind, including
any junk or abandoned motor vehicles, tractors, trailers, machinery, and
18. Any vehicle which is not properly registered, or is inoperable, wrecked,
junked, or partially dismantled and remaining longer than thirty days (30)
on private property. This does not apply to a vehicle in an enclosed
building, a vehicle on the premises of a business enterprise operated in a
lawful place and manner, when necessary to the lawful operation of such
business enterprise (such as a licensed salvage dealer, motor vehicle dealer,
or farm implement dealer), or a vehicle in an appropriate storage place or
depository maintained in a lawful place and manner, and so long as the
premises which said vehicle is located is not a nuisance and is maintained
in a healthful and safe condition. “Vehicle” means the same as defined by
NRS Section 60-136; a “motor vehicle, all-terrain vehicle, minibike, trailer,
or semi-trailer. “Properly registered” means as required by Nebraska
19. Lots, pieces of ground, and the adjourning streets and alleys with growth of
weeds or noxious growth;
20. To reside in a building without operational electrical, heating and
ventilation, and plumbing systems that have been approved by the building
official as compliant with applicable codes. Operational shall also mean
active service from the utility provider that is necessary to make the system
operate. A ten-day grace period before enforcement shall be in effect if
utility service is temporarily disconnected for nonpayment of utility bill.
21. The use of an engine brake or retarder within the city limits or one-mile
extra-territorial jurisdiction.
22. All other things specifically designated as nuisances elsewhere in the City
Code. (NRS 18-1720)
6. If a hearing is requested, the City Clerk shall fix date of said hearing to be no
later than 15 days from receipt of the request for the hearing. Notice of said
hearing and with the date and time shall be served upon the agent owner, and
of the nuisance property be certified and regular mail.
7. The Hearing shall be a “show cause” hearing in which the agent, owner,
occupant of the nuisance property (objecting property) shall provide evidence
why the alleged condition should not be found to be a public nuisance and
remedied. This hearing shall be heard before a quorum of the governing
body. The presiding official of the Governing Body may conduct the hearing
or said presiding official may appoint another person as the hearing officer to
conduct the hearing (said hearing officer may be the City Attorney or the
Enforcement Officer). At the hearing the hearing officer shall mark and
receive evidence which was presented when the finding of a nuisance was
made, relevant evidence of the nuisance since that time, and evidence that the
notices were properly given. The objecting party shall then provide its
evidence. The rules of evidence are not required at said hearing, but all
evidence must be relevant to the particular nuisance being heard. Testimony
shall be under oath as administered by the hearing officer or any person so
designated by the laws of perjury. Evidence may be submitted in writing by
8. No later than 14 days after the hearing and consideration of the evidence,
the Governing Body may by majority vote rescind the resolution of
violation. If the resolution of violation is not rescinded, it shall stand.
Furthermore, if the Objector or its designated agent fails to appear at the
hearing or does not provide evidence, the nuisance shall stand. If the
resolution is not rescinded, the Governing Board may, by resolution, extend
the date that owner, occupant, lessee, or mortgagee shall abate and remedy the
said public nuisance, but in no case shall this time exceed 60 days. The
findings of the Governing Board shall be made no later than 14 days after the
hearing and notice of its findings shall be served upon the Objecting party by
regular US Mail within 5 days of the finding. The finding of this hearing is
final, provided that an interested party or parties may appeal such decision to
the appropriate court for adjudication.
9. If the Nuisance Officer determines the nuisance is not remedied and abated
within the time period designated, the City shall cause the abatement of the
10. If an interested party properly appeals to an appropriate court the findings
and orders of the City, the City actions shall be stayed during until such time
that the legal proceedings are completed or dismissed. In cases of appeal from
an action of the City condemning real property as a nuisance or as dangerous
under the police powers of the municipality, the owners of the adjoining
property may intervene in the action at any time before trial. (Neb. RS19-710)
If the declared nuisance, health, and/or sanitation are not abated within fifteen (15) days
that the notice is served upon the owner and/or occupant, and the City Clerk has not received a
request for hearing, the Nuisance Officer may cause issue of a citation for the code violation.
The Governing Board may instruct by resolution the City Attorney to file a civil
action for the abatement of a nuisance. Said civil suit may commence after fifteen
(15) days notice has been served as stated in Article 2 of this Chapter, and may be
filed and prosecuted at the same time any other enforcement procedure has
commenced, terminated or in progress.
has incurred expenses and costs thereof, the actual cost thereof shall be charged to
the owner, agent, occupant or person in possession, charge or control of such
property. The billing shall be calculated at the actual cost of abating the nuisance
plus, a twenty-five dollar ($25.00) administrative fee.
may levy and assess the expenses and costs upon the real estate benefitted by the
actions in the same manner as other special assessments are levied and assessed,
and the City may collect said assessments in the same procedure as other special
assessments are collected. The City may also recover said expenses and costs of
abating the nuisance, health and/or sanitation violation(s) in a civil action in the
courts of the appropriate county in Nebraska.
Section 2.
Said Ordinance is hereby amended and all conflicting ordinances, resolutions and conflicting
sections of ordinances and resolutions to this ordinance are hereby repealed.
Section 3.
This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and
publication according to law.
Passed and approved this 11th day of February, 2021.
Terry G. Davis, Mayor
LeAnn Brown, City Clerk
Motion made by DeCock, seconded by Birkel, to approve Resolution No. 01-21. Voting Aye: DeCock, Birkel and Piva. Motion carried.
The Mayor and City Council of the City of Oshkosh (hereinafter the City), in regular session assembled at the Oshkosh City Hall on this 11th day of February, 2021, hereby resolves as follows:
WHEREAS, the City desires to appoint a Nuisance Officer pursuant to the City Code of Ordinances
(Ordinance No. 467).
WHEREAS, West Central Nebraska Development District (hereinafter WCNDD) is fully willing, able and qualified to act as Nuisance Officer for the City.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City approves the appointment of WCNDD to act as Nuisance Officer for the City of Oshkosh for a period of eleven (11) months; from February 11, 2021 to December 31, 2021.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor is authorized to sign agreements to affect this agreement, and that any ordinance or resolution in conflict with this resolution is hereby revoked to any part in conflict herewith.
Terry G. Davis, Mayor
LeAnn Brown, City Clerk
Motion by DeCock, seconded by Birkel, to appoint WCNDD as the City’s Nuisance Officer. Voting Aye: DeCock, Birkel, Zoucha. Motion carried.
Mayor Davis opened the following bids for fencing, dirt work and cement work on dug-outs: Whiskeyboard Construction-54,102.00, Van Pelt Fencin-62,925.68, and Lake Excavation-$64,270.00. Much discussion was held on this with Baseball/Softball Directors, Nate and Liz Loyd. Grants will be sought for this project.
Motion made by Zoucha, seconded by DeCock, to approve Resolution No. 02-21. Voting Aye: Zoucha, DeCock, Birkel. Motion carried. Terry Krauter, Commissioner for Garden County expressed the county’s interest in the trash service.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Oshkosh, in the State of Nebraska as follows:
Section 1. That pursuant to its authority granted by NRS 17-503.02 it is hereby resolved by the Mayor and City Council that personal property of the City of Oshkosh, used in the business known as “Trash Service” be sold in compliance with 7-503.02(1).
Section 2. Property to be sold includes: 2017 Freightliner – M2-106 Medium Duty, 300 Cummins Engine, Allison Automatic Transmission with Chamption-36 Yard Compactor Body (Side Load), 2020 Freightliner M2 350 Compactor Body (Side Load), Approximately 160 3-Yard Dumpsters, Approximately 305 – 1 ½ Yard Dumpsters, Approximately 87 – 90 Gallons Roll-out Dumpsters
Section 3. The sale shall be conducted by auction after proper notice. City shall require a minimum bid of $450,000.00 and reserves the right to reject any or all bids. To qualify bidders must provide guarantee of funds available in the amount or greater than purchase price at close of auction.
ADOPTED this 11th day of February, 2021.
Terry G. Davis, Mayor
LeAnn Brown, City Clerk
Motion by Zoucha, seconded by DeCock, to approve the employee health insurance plan. Voting Aye: Zoucha, DeCock, Birkel. Motion carried.
Motion made by DeCock, seconded by Zoucha, to approve a building permit for Jeannie Schwartz. Voting Aye: DeCock, Zoucha, and Birkel. Motion carried.
Motion by Birkel, seconded by DeCock, to adjourn the meeting at 6:04 p.m. Voting Aye: Birkel, DeCock, Zoucha. Motion carried.
Terry G. Davis. Mayor
LeAnn Brown, City Clerk
In compliance with the Open Meetings Act of Nebraska, a current copy of the act is posted in the Council Chambers, Courthouse, and Post Office. Notice of this meeting was advertised in the Garden County News. The agenda for this meeting was kept current and available for inspection at the office of the City Clerk.
Mayor Davis called the meeting to order and read the Open Meetings Act, LB 898.
Present were: Mayor, Terry Davis and Council Members: Gary DeCock, Cole Birkel and George Zoucha. Absent: Mike Piva. Also attending: Attorney, Mary Kay Robinson-Boone, Administrator, Bill Campbell and Clerk, LeAnn Brown.
Motion made by DeCock, seconded by Zoucha, to approve the agenda, approve the minutes of the previous meeting and to waive the reading thereof. Voting Aye: DeCock, Zoucha, and
Birkel. Motion carried.
A motion by Zoucha seconded by Birkel, to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Voting Aye: Zoucha, Birkel, and DeCock. Motion carried.
A motion by DeCock, seconded by Zoucha, to approve the following bills. Voting Aye: DeCock, Zoucha, and Birkel. Motion carried. Salaries-16,234.91, IRS-4,613.98, NE Dept. of Revenue-4,807.73, Aflac-85.95, Ameriprise Financial-1,783.60, Bank of America-254.97, Black Hills Energy-193.16, Blue Cross Blue Shield-7,809.76, Bytes-66.00, CenturyLink-193.16, Eagle Auto-18.36, Enviro Service-20.00, Kyle Fornander-120.00, Garden Co. News-85.11, Meyers Construction-319,826.38, Keally Kociemba-63.46, League of Municipalities-395.00, Municipal Automation-8,316.37, National Domains-380.00, Nationwide-190.75, NMC-163.53, NPPD-3,158.61, Northwest Pipe Fittings-279.62, Office Service-14.87, Oshkosh ACE-12.58, Oshkosh Library-500.00, Oshkosh Superette-14.77, Mary Kay Robinson-Boone-885.00, Sedgwick Co. Sales-3,987.72, Jerry Smith-700.00, Spic & Span Cleaners-4,125.00, Valley Tire-1,522.66, Western Resources Group-172.00, Weathercraft-525.00, Wheat Belt PPD-157.20
No Sheriff’s Report available.
Motion by Birkel, seconded by Zoucha, to approve the Animal Control Contact with Jerry and Shiloh Smith. Voting Aye: Birkel, Zoucha, and DeCock. Motion carried.
Mayor Davis opened the Public Hearing for a Class CK Liquor License Application for Stanton Craik Inc., dba SNS Café Oshkosh Liquor Store at 205 & 207 West Avenue A. No persons appeared for or against said liquor license application. Motion by Zoucha, seconded by Birkel, to approve said application. Voting Aye: Zoucha, Birkel, and DeCock. Motion carried.
Motion by DeCock, seconded by Birkel, to approve Ordinance No. 467. Voting Aye: DeCock,
Birkel and Zoucha. Motion carried.
Ordinance No. 467
Section 1.
Ordinance No. 423, Part of Article 5-3, specifically Sections 5-3.1 through 5-3.9 and 5-3.1ARTICLE I
PURPOSE. CITY OF OSHKOSH, by this Article defines its authority to define, regulate, suppress and prevent nuisances, and to declare what shall be a nuisance for its jurisdiction and to provide services to abate same for the health and sanitation of the City. (NRD 18-1720)
(A) NUISANCE. A nuisance consists in doing any unlawful act, or omitting to perform a
a duty, or suffering or permitting any condition or thing to be or exist, which act, omission, condition or thing:
(1) Injures or endangers the comfort, repose, health, or safety of others;
(2) Offends decency;
(3) Is offensive to the senses;
(4) Unlawfully interferes with, obstructs, tends to obstruct, or renders dangerous for passage
any stream, public park, parkway, square, street, or highway in the municipality;
(5) In any way renders other persons insecure in life or the use of property; or
(6) Essentially interferes with the comfortable enjoyment of life and property; or
(7) Tends to depreciate the value of the property of others.
(B) Nuisance includes, but is not limited to, the maintaining, using placing, depositing,
leaving, or permitting of any of the following specific acts, omissions, places, conditions, and
things of:
- Any odorous, putrid, unsound, or unwholesome grain, meat, hides, skins, feather,
- The emission of smoke, dust, fumes, gases, mists, odors, or polluted air from any source that
- Privies, vault, cesspools, dumps, pits, or like places which are not securely protected from flies
- Filthy, littered, or trash-covered cellars, house yards, barnyards, stable-yards, factory-yards, mill
- Dead animals or dead animals buried within the corporate limits;
- Animal manure in any quantity which is not securely protected from flies and the elements, or
- Hauling any garbage, waste, or refuse matter through the streets, alleys, and public ways, except
- Liquid household waste, human excreta, garbage, butcher’s trimmings and offal, parts of fish, or
temporary retention of waste in receptacles nor the dumping of the non-putrefying waste in a place and manner approved by the municipality;
- Tin cans bottles, glass, cans, ashes, small pieces of scrap iron, wire metal articles, bric-a-brac,
- Trash, litter, rags, accumulations of barrels, boxes, crates, packing crates, mattresses, bedding, excelsior, packing hay, straw or other packing material, lumber not neatly piled, scrap iron, tin, or other metal not neatly piled, old automobiles or parts thereof, of any other waste materials when any of the articles or materials create a condition in which files or rats or other insects or rodents many breed or multiply, or which may be a fire danger, or which are so unsightly as to depreciate property values in the vicinity;
- Any unsafe building, unsightly building, billboard, or other structure, or any old, abandoned or partially destroyed building or structure or any building or structure commenced and left
unfinished, which buildings, billboards, or other structures are a fire
hazard, or a menace to the public health or safety, or are so unsightly
as to depreciate the value of property in the vicinity.
12. All places used or maintained as junk yards, or dumping grounds, or for the
wrecking and dissembling of automobiles, truck, tractors, or machinery of
any kind, for the storing or leaving of worn-out, wrecked or abandoned
automobiles, trucks, tractors, or machinery of any kind, or of any of the parts
thereof, or for the storing or leaving of any machinery or equipment used by
contractors or builders or by other persons, which places are kept or
maintained so as to essentially interfere with the comfortable enjoyment of
life or property by others, or which are so unsightly as to tend to depreciate
property values in the vicinity thereof;
13. Stockyards, granaries, mills, pig pens, cattle pens, chicken pens, or any other
place, building or enclosure, in which animals or fowls of any kind are
confined or on which are stored tankage or any other animal or vegetable
matter, or on which any animal or vegetable mater including grain is being
processed, when the places in which the animals are confined, or the premises
on which the vegetable or animal matter is located are maintained and kept in
such a manner that foul and noxious odors are permitted to emanate
therefrom to the annoyance of inhabitants of the municipality or are
maintained and kept in such a manner as to be injurious to the public health;
14. Dead or diseased trees within the right-of-way of streets within the corporate
limits of the City, or on private property within the one-mile zoning jurisdiction beyond the corporate limits (NRS 17-555);
15. Undrained lots which hold or may hold stagnant water or any other nuisance;
16. Any condition which allows the perpetuating of insects and rodents;
17. Storage, accumulation, keeping, placing, or allowing to remain trash,
garbage, scrap and wrecked, worn-out, broken or inoperative, or partially
destroyed or disassembled personal or real property of any kind, including
any junk or abandoned motor vehicles, tractors, trailers, machinery, and
18. Any vehicle which is not properly registered, or is inoperable, wrecked,
junked, or partially dismantled and remaining longer than thirty days (30)
on private property. This does not apply to a vehicle in an enclosed
building, a vehicle on the premises of a business enterprise operated in a
lawful place and manner, when necessary to the lawful operation of such
business enterprise (such as a licensed salvage dealer, motor vehicle dealer,
or farm implement dealer), or a vehicle in an appropriate storage place or
depository maintained in a lawful place and manner, and so long as the
premises which said vehicle is located is not a nuisance and is maintained
in a healthful and safe condition. “Vehicle” means the same as defined by
NRS Section 60-136; a “motor vehicle, all-terrain vehicle, minibike, trailer,
or semi-trailer. “Properly registered” means as required by Nebraska
19. Lots, pieces of ground, and the adjourning streets and alleys with growth of
weeds or noxious growth;
20. To reside in a building without operational electrical, heating and
ventilation, and plumbing systems that have been approved by the building
official as compliant with applicable codes. Operational shall also mean
active service from the utility provider that is necessary to make the system
operate. A ten-day grace period before enforcement shall be in effect if
utility service is temporarily disconnected for nonpayment of utility bill.
21. The use of an engine brake or retarder within the city limits or one-mile
extra-territorial jurisdiction.
22. All other things specifically designated as nuisances elsewhere in the City
Code. (NRS 18-1720)
6. If a hearing is requested, the City Clerk shall fix date of said hearing to be no
later than 15 days from receipt of the request for the hearing. Notice of said
hearing and with the date and time shall be served upon the agent owner, and
of the nuisance property be certified and regular mail.
7. The Hearing shall be a “show cause” hearing in which the agent, owner,
occupant of the nuisance property (objecting property) shall provide evidence
why the alleged condition should not be found to be a public nuisance and
remedied. This hearing shall be heard before a quorum of the governing
body. The presiding official of the Governing Body may conduct the hearing
or said presiding official may appoint another person as the hearing officer to
conduct the hearing (said hearing officer may be the City Attorney or the
Enforcement Officer). At the hearing the hearing officer shall mark and
receive evidence which was presented when the finding of a nuisance was
made, relevant evidence of the nuisance since that time, and evidence that the
notices were properly given. The objecting party shall then provide its
evidence. The rules of evidence are not required at said hearing, but all
evidence must be relevant to the particular nuisance being heard. Testimony
shall be under oath as administered by the hearing officer or any person so
designated by the laws of perjury. Evidence may be submitted in writing by
8. No later than 14 days after the hearing and consideration of the evidence,
the Governing Body may by majority vote rescind the resolution of
violation. If the resolution of violation is not rescinded, it shall stand.
Furthermore, if the Objector or its designated agent fails to appear at the
hearing or does not provide evidence, the nuisance shall stand. If the
resolution is not rescinded, the Governing Board may, by resolution, extend
the date that owner, occupant, lessee, or mortgagee shall abate and remedy the
said public nuisance, but in no case shall this time exceed 60 days. The
findings of the Governing Board shall be made no later than 14 days after the
hearing and notice of its findings shall be served upon the Objecting party by
regular US Mail within 5 days of the finding. The finding of this hearing is
final, provided that an interested party or parties may appeal such decision to
the appropriate court for adjudication.
9. If the Nuisance Officer determines the nuisance is not remedied and abated
within the time period designated, the City shall cause the abatement of the
10. If an interested party properly appeals to an appropriate court the findings
and orders of the City, the City actions shall be stayed during until such time
that the legal proceedings are completed or dismissed. In cases of appeal from
an action of the City condemning real property as a nuisance or as dangerous
under the police powers of the municipality, the owners of the adjoining
property may intervene in the action at any time before trial. (Neb. RS19-710)
If the declared nuisance, health, and/or sanitation are not abated within fifteen (15) days
that the notice is served upon the owner and/or occupant, and the City Clerk has not received a
request for hearing, the Nuisance Officer may cause issue of a citation for the code violation.
- The citation shall be prosecuted to the appropriate court by the City Attorney or
- A person or persons found guilty of these violations shall be guilty of a misdemeanor
- Each day that the nuisance as identified in the nuisance resolution and notice, is
The Governing Board may instruct by resolution the City Attorney to file a civil
action for the abatement of a nuisance. Said civil suit may commence after fifteen
(15) days notice has been served as stated in Article 2 of this Chapter, and may be
filed and prosecuted at the same time any other enforcement procedure has
commenced, terminated or in progress.
- When the City has affected the abatement of the nuisance, health and /or sanitation
has incurred expenses and costs thereof, the actual cost thereof shall be charged to
the owner, agent, occupant or person in possession, charge or control of such
property. The billing shall be calculated at the actual cost of abating the nuisance
plus, a twenty-five dollar ($25.00) administrative fee.
- This billing shall be submitted to the last known address of the Owner of the
- If said costs are not paid within two months after the work is done and one month
may levy and assess the expenses and costs upon the real estate benefitted by the
actions in the same manner as other special assessments are levied and assessed,
and the City may collect said assessments in the same procedure as other special
assessments are collected. The City may also recover said expenses and costs of
abating the nuisance, health and/or sanitation violation(s) in a civil action in the
courts of the appropriate county in Nebraska.
Section 2.
Said Ordinance is hereby amended and all conflicting ordinances, resolutions and conflicting
sections of ordinances and resolutions to this ordinance are hereby repealed.
Section 3.
This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and
publication according to law.
Passed and approved this 11th day of February, 2021.
Terry G. Davis, Mayor
LeAnn Brown, City Clerk
Motion made by DeCock, seconded by Birkel, to approve Resolution No. 01-21. Voting Aye: DeCock, Birkel and Piva. Motion carried.
The Mayor and City Council of the City of Oshkosh (hereinafter the City), in regular session assembled at the Oshkosh City Hall on this 11th day of February, 2021, hereby resolves as follows:
WHEREAS, the City desires to appoint a Nuisance Officer pursuant to the City Code of Ordinances
(Ordinance No. 467).
WHEREAS, West Central Nebraska Development District (hereinafter WCNDD) is fully willing, able and qualified to act as Nuisance Officer for the City.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City approves the appointment of WCNDD to act as Nuisance Officer for the City of Oshkosh for a period of eleven (11) months; from February 11, 2021 to December 31, 2021.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor is authorized to sign agreements to affect this agreement, and that any ordinance or resolution in conflict with this resolution is hereby revoked to any part in conflict herewith.
Terry G. Davis, Mayor
LeAnn Brown, City Clerk
Motion by DeCock, seconded by Birkel, to appoint WCNDD as the City’s Nuisance Officer. Voting Aye: DeCock, Birkel, Zoucha. Motion carried.
Mayor Davis opened the following bids for fencing, dirt work and cement work on dug-outs: Whiskeyboard Construction-54,102.00, Van Pelt Fencin-62,925.68, and Lake Excavation-$64,270.00. Much discussion was held on this with Baseball/Softball Directors, Nate and Liz Loyd. Grants will be sought for this project.
Motion made by Zoucha, seconded by DeCock, to approve Resolution No. 02-21. Voting Aye: Zoucha, DeCock, Birkel. Motion carried. Terry Krauter, Commissioner for Garden County expressed the county’s interest in the trash service.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Oshkosh, in the State of Nebraska as follows:
Section 1. That pursuant to its authority granted by NRS 17-503.02 it is hereby resolved by the Mayor and City Council that personal property of the City of Oshkosh, used in the business known as “Trash Service” be sold in compliance with 7-503.02(1).
Section 2. Property to be sold includes: 2017 Freightliner – M2-106 Medium Duty, 300 Cummins Engine, Allison Automatic Transmission with Chamption-36 Yard Compactor Body (Side Load), 2020 Freightliner M2 350 Compactor Body (Side Load), Approximately 160 3-Yard Dumpsters, Approximately 305 – 1 ½ Yard Dumpsters, Approximately 87 – 90 Gallons Roll-out Dumpsters
Section 3. The sale shall be conducted by auction after proper notice. City shall require a minimum bid of $450,000.00 and reserves the right to reject any or all bids. To qualify bidders must provide guarantee of funds available in the amount or greater than purchase price at close of auction.
ADOPTED this 11th day of February, 2021.
Terry G. Davis, Mayor
LeAnn Brown, City Clerk
Motion by Zoucha, seconded by DeCock, to approve the employee health insurance plan. Voting Aye: Zoucha, DeCock, Birkel. Motion carried.
Motion made by DeCock, seconded by Zoucha, to approve a building permit for Jeannie Schwartz. Voting Aye: DeCock, Zoucha, and Birkel. Motion carried.
Motion by Birkel, seconded by DeCock, to adjourn the meeting at 6:04 p.m. Voting Aye: Birkel, DeCock, Zoucha. Motion carried.
Terry G. Davis. Mayor
LeAnn Brown, City Clerk