Oshkosh City Council - Minutes - Sept. 8, 2016
The City of Oshkosh Mayor and City Council met for regular session on September 8, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.
In compliance with the Open Meetings Act of Nebraska, a current copy of the act is posted in the council chambers. Notice of this meeting was posted at City Hall, Garden County Courthouse, and Post Office. The agenda for this meeting was kept current and available for inspection at the office of the City Clerk.
Mayor Levick called the meeting to order and read the Open Meetings Act, LB898.
Present were: Mayor, Jim Levick and Council Members: Brian Moffat, David Cook, Gary DeCock, and Sarena Assmann. Also attending: Administrator, Bill Campbell, and City Clerk, LeAnn Brown.
Motion made by Cook, seconded by Assmann, to approve the agenda, and approve the minutes of the previous meetings and to waive the reading thereof. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by DeCock, seconded by Moffat, to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Motion carried unanimously.
A motion by Moffat, seconded by Cook, to approve the following bills. Moffat abstained from Moe’s Heating & Air Conditioning for $90.00. Motion carried. Salaries-13,566.1, IRS-4,418.20, NE Dept. of Revenue-3,586.59, Bank of America-1040.98, Blue Cross Blue Shield-5,352.48, Budaroo’s Cleaning-1,037.50, CenturyLink-286.39, Donnie Comfort-54.72, Eagle Auto-129.22, Nathan Erb-52.58, Pam Fornander-400.00, Floyd’s-1,716.29, Garden Co. News-386.99, Garden Co. Rural Fire Dist-80,000.00, Garden Co. Treas.-22,521.65, Ervan Groves-2000.00, Adam Hill-75.00, Rich Kennedy-500.00, League of Municipalities-63.57, Miller & Assoc.-30,627.45, Moe’s Heating-90.00, Nationwide-197.25, NE Public Health-16.00, NPPD-7,491.53, Oshkosh Superette-876.03, Oshkosh True Value-429.22, Pershing-1,486.88, PrestoX-80.41, Scotty Ray-700.00, Recreation Design Concepts-10,860.00, Mary Kay Robinson-Boone-1,800.00, Sedgwick Co. Sales-2,990.00, Source Gas-198.01, State Treas.-84.75, Lana Swafford-376.23, Valley Tire-1,623.08, Wagon Wheel Vet-33.50
Mayor Levick welcomed the visitors in attendance.
The Health Board Report was gone over and letters will be sent to city code violators.
Motion by Moffat, seconded by Assmann, to approve Resolution No. 11-16. Motion carried unanimously.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Oshkosh, in the State of Nebraska as follows:
Section 1. That pursuant to its authority under §5-3.4 of the Ordinances of the City of Oshkosh the Health Board has investigated, confirmed and presented the existence of a nuisance to the Mayor and City Council of the City of Oshkosh for their consideration.
Section 2. This resolution shall stand as a statement of the Mayor and City Council that there does exist at 406 West 2nd Street, Oshkosh, Nebraska, a nuisance in violation of §5-3.
Section 3. This resolution does hereby authorize the City Attorney to proceed with Administrative Procedure of abatement as set forth in §5-3.7 of the Ordinances of the City of Oshkosh.
ADOPTED this 8th day of September, 2016.
James R. Levick, Mayor
LeAnn Brown, City Clerk
WHEREAS, A Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan was prepared by the North Platte Natural Resources District, with assistance from JEO Consulting Group, Inc. of Lincoln, NE, which includes the jurisdiction of the City of Oshkosh.
WHERAS, the purpose of the mitigation plan was to lessen the effect of disasters by increasing the disaster resistance of the Natural Resources District and participating jurisdictions located within the planning boundary by identifying the hazards that affect the City of Oshkosh and prioritize mitigation strategies to reduce potential loss of life and property damage from those hazards, and
WHEREAS, FEMA regulations require documentation that the plan has been fully adopted by the governing body of Oshkosh in the form of a resolution and further requesting approval of the plan at the Federal Level; and
NOW, THEREFORE, the governing body of Oshkosh, does herewith adopt the North Platte Natural Resources District Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan Update in its entirety; and
Passed and approved this 8th day of September, 2016
James R. Levick, Mayor
LeAnn Brown, City Clerk
Mayor Levick opened the Levy Hearing at 7:45 p.m. No testimony was heard for or against to set the levies at a different amount than the prior year tax request. Mayor Levick closed the hearing at 7:47 p.m.
Motion by DeCock, seconded by Cook, to set the levies at a different amount than the prior tax year request. Motion carried unanimously.
Discussion was held to modify agreement for acquisition of tank site. Motion made by Moffat, seconded by Assmann, to enter into an agreement with Dormann for this request. Motion carried unanimously. Attorney Robinson-Boone will write the agreement with certain conditions for this request.
Motion by Assmann, seconded by Cook, to adjourn the meeting at 8:06 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
James R. Levick, Mayor
LeAnn Brown, City Clerk
In compliance with the Open Meetings Act of Nebraska, a current copy of the act is posted in the council chambers. Notice of this meeting was posted at City Hall, Garden County Courthouse, and Post Office. The agenda for this meeting was kept current and available for inspection at the office of the City Clerk.
Mayor Levick called the meeting to order and read the Open Meetings Act, LB898.
Present were: Mayor, Jim Levick and Council Members: Brian Moffat, David Cook, Gary DeCock, and Sarena Assmann. Also attending: Administrator, Bill Campbell, and City Clerk, LeAnn Brown.
Motion made by Cook, seconded by Assmann, to approve the agenda, and approve the minutes of the previous meetings and to waive the reading thereof. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by DeCock, seconded by Moffat, to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Motion carried unanimously.
A motion by Moffat, seconded by Cook, to approve the following bills. Moffat abstained from Moe’s Heating & Air Conditioning for $90.00. Motion carried. Salaries-13,566.1, IRS-4,418.20, NE Dept. of Revenue-3,586.59, Bank of America-1040.98, Blue Cross Blue Shield-5,352.48, Budaroo’s Cleaning-1,037.50, CenturyLink-286.39, Donnie Comfort-54.72, Eagle Auto-129.22, Nathan Erb-52.58, Pam Fornander-400.00, Floyd’s-1,716.29, Garden Co. News-386.99, Garden Co. Rural Fire Dist-80,000.00, Garden Co. Treas.-22,521.65, Ervan Groves-2000.00, Adam Hill-75.00, Rich Kennedy-500.00, League of Municipalities-63.57, Miller & Assoc.-30,627.45, Moe’s Heating-90.00, Nationwide-197.25, NE Public Health-16.00, NPPD-7,491.53, Oshkosh Superette-876.03, Oshkosh True Value-429.22, Pershing-1,486.88, PrestoX-80.41, Scotty Ray-700.00, Recreation Design Concepts-10,860.00, Mary Kay Robinson-Boone-1,800.00, Sedgwick Co. Sales-2,990.00, Source Gas-198.01, State Treas.-84.75, Lana Swafford-376.23, Valley Tire-1,623.08, Wagon Wheel Vet-33.50
Mayor Levick welcomed the visitors in attendance.
The Health Board Report was gone over and letters will be sent to city code violators.
Motion by Moffat, seconded by Assmann, to approve Resolution No. 11-16. Motion carried unanimously.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Oshkosh, in the State of Nebraska as follows:
Section 1. That pursuant to its authority under §5-3.4 of the Ordinances of the City of Oshkosh the Health Board has investigated, confirmed and presented the existence of a nuisance to the Mayor and City Council of the City of Oshkosh for their consideration.
Section 2. This resolution shall stand as a statement of the Mayor and City Council that there does exist at 406 West 2nd Street, Oshkosh, Nebraska, a nuisance in violation of §5-3.
Section 3. This resolution does hereby authorize the City Attorney to proceed with Administrative Procedure of abatement as set forth in §5-3.7 of the Ordinances of the City of Oshkosh.
ADOPTED this 8th day of September, 2016.
James R. Levick, Mayor
LeAnn Brown, City Clerk
WHEREAS, A Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan was prepared by the North Platte Natural Resources District, with assistance from JEO Consulting Group, Inc. of Lincoln, NE, which includes the jurisdiction of the City of Oshkosh.
WHERAS, the purpose of the mitigation plan was to lessen the effect of disasters by increasing the disaster resistance of the Natural Resources District and participating jurisdictions located within the planning boundary by identifying the hazards that affect the City of Oshkosh and prioritize mitigation strategies to reduce potential loss of life and property damage from those hazards, and
WHEREAS, FEMA regulations require documentation that the plan has been fully adopted by the governing body of Oshkosh in the form of a resolution and further requesting approval of the plan at the Federal Level; and
NOW, THEREFORE, the governing body of Oshkosh, does herewith adopt the North Platte Natural Resources District Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan Update in its entirety; and
Passed and approved this 8th day of September, 2016
James R. Levick, Mayor
LeAnn Brown, City Clerk
Mayor Levick opened the Levy Hearing at 7:45 p.m. No testimony was heard for or against to set the levies at a different amount than the prior year tax request. Mayor Levick closed the hearing at 7:47 p.m.
Motion by DeCock, seconded by Cook, to set the levies at a different amount than the prior tax year request. Motion carried unanimously.
Discussion was held to modify agreement for acquisition of tank site. Motion made by Moffat, seconded by Assmann, to enter into an agreement with Dormann for this request. Motion carried unanimously. Attorney Robinson-Boone will write the agreement with certain conditions for this request.
Motion by Assmann, seconded by Cook, to adjourn the meeting at 8:06 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
James R. Levick, Mayor
LeAnn Brown, City Clerk