City Oshkosh- Minutes- May 11, 2017
The City of Oshkosh Mayor and City Council met for regular session on May 11, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.
In compliance with the Open Meetings Act of Nebraska, a current copy of the act is posted in the council chambers. Notice of this meeting was posted at City Hall, Garden County Courthouse, and Post Office. The agenda for this meeting was kept current and available for inspection at the office of the City Clerk.
Mayor Levick called the meeting to order and read the Open Meetings Act, LB 898.
Present were: Mayor, Jim Levick and Council Members: David Cook, Gary DeCock, Sarena Assmann, and Terry Davis. Also attending: Attorney, Mary Kay Robinson-Boone, Administrator, Bill Campbell, and City Clerk, LeAnn Brown.
Motion made by Davis, seconded by Assmann, to approve the agenda, approve the minutes of the previous meeting and to waive the reading thereof. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Cook, seconded by DeCock, to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Motion carried unanimously.
A motion by Davis, seconded by Assmann, to approve the following bills. Motion carried unanimously. Salaries-13,208.66, IRS-4,650.27, NE Dept. of Revenue-2,431.01, Bank of America-338.81, Black Hills Energy-363.02, Blue Cross Blue Shield-6,850.99, Budaroo’s Cleaning-149.99, Allen Cassell-15.35, CenturyLink-287.80, Paul Comfort-200.00, Cranmore Pest Control-40.00, DHHS-120.00, Eagle Auto-288.08, Floyd’s-56.15, Garden Co. News-1,082.86, Garden Co. Sheriff-37.14, Kurtzer’s-119.19, Lake Excavation-624.00, LARM-840.17, Miller & Assoc.-14,410.00, Nationwide-197.25, NE Public Health-159.00, NPPD-4,239.80, NW Pipe-143.30, Ogallala Ready Mix- 1,811.00, Lauren Olson-300.00, Oshkosh Eastern Star-186.00, Oshkosh Library-1,000.00, Oshkosh Superette-838.47, Pershing-1,646.32, Ramada Inn-150.00, Rauner & Assoc.-3,465.00, Mary Kay Robinson-Boone-1,750.00, S.A. Foster-1.29, Sedgwick Co. Sales-2,882.10, Spic & Span-3,579.00, True Value-376.60, Tool House Small Engine Repair-128.02, Wagon Wheel Vet-40.00, Westco-412.92, Valley Tire-318.60, Jay Wilson-63.50, Frank Zambrano-87.77
The Health Board Report was discussed. City code violators will be sent letters.
The progress of the wellfield project was discussed. A motion made by DeCock, seconded by Cook, to approve the Transfer Permit Mitigation Agreement with NPNRD. Motion carried unanimously.
A motion by Davis, seconded by Assmann, to deed back the original storage tank site to the original owners. Motion carried unanimously.
Deputy Sheriff Dean handed out the April Sheriff’s Report.
Animal Control Officer, Scotty Ray, handed out his report.
The availability of lifeguards was discussed. The Village of Lewellen has offered to share their lifeguards to help fill in days that are needed in Oshkosh if the schedules allow this possibility.
The Mayor & Council discussed adding language to the nuisance ordinance about having vehicles, stock trailers, and such left on the streets for a long period of time. The amended ordinance will be on next month’s agenda.
Sedgwick County Landfill has indicated they will raise the tipping fees in the near future. Attorney Robinson-Boone will inform the Village of Lewellen of the probable rate increase.
A motion by Davis, seconded by Cook, to approve a Livestock & Fowl Permit to Danielle Waltman for laying hens and Moe Moffat for horses and 4-H animals. Motion carried unanimously.
A discussion was held on fixing the broken benches at the City Auditorium. The benches will be assessed and fixed.
Motion by Assmann, seconded by Davis, to approve Resolution No. 03-17. Motion carried unanimously.
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Oshkosh, in the State of Nebraska as follows:
WHEREAS, there is no safe level of exposure to second hand smoke, whether indoors or outdoors and tobacco products and secondhand exposure to tobacco smoke are related to adverse health risks;
WHEREAS, parents, coaches, and officials serve as role models for youth and should model positive lifestyle choices, including not using tobacco products; and
WHEREAS, use of tobacco products in public places can result in litter and debris that is unsightly and may pose a risk of ingestion by toddlers; and
WHEREAS, restricting use of tobacco products in outdoor facilities is intended to protect and promote the health, safety, and welfare of community residents, particularly children and youth.
NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Council of the City of Oshkosh as follows:
1. That all recreational facilities shall be designated as “tobacco-free” and tobacco use shall be prohibited. Included but not limited to parks, playgrounds, swimming facilities, walking/biking
paths, buildings and all grounds, including exterior open spaces, sidewalks and parking lots;
2. Appropriate signage shall be posted to designated tobacco-free areas;
3. The residents of the City of Oshkosh shall be notified of this Resolution and the
designation of the tobacco-free zones;
4. This policy is intended to be enforced through public information and awareness.
Parks and Recreation Department employees, parents, coaches, and park facility
visitors are encouraged to assist in achieving compliance by bringing this policy to the
attention of person violating the policy. A person found violating the policy may be
asked to cease tobacco use or leave the facility premises.
For the purpose of this policy tobacco includes electronic nicotine delivery systems (e-cigarette
products), cigars, smokeless tobacco, cigarillos, cigarettes, and snus and snuff.
Passed and approved this 11th day of May, 2017.
James R. Levick, Mayor
LeAnn Brown, City Clerk
Motion by Cook, seconded by Davis, to approve Special Designated Liquor License Applications for Garden County FOW, Aerie 4283 on June 24, 2017, and July 1, 2017 at the City Auditorium. Motion carried unanimously.
Going forward anyone requesting to have a dumpster placed at a residence outside the city limits that do not own the property will be required to have the landlord’s permission and signature on the Request for Trash Services form.
A delinquent rural trash customer was discussed. The amount owed will be assessed to their property.
Motion by DeCock, seconded by Cook, to approve Mayor Levicks’ appointments of Dave Bartling and Rob Carlton to the Oshkosh Housing Authority board. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by DeCock, seconded by Davis, to adjourn the meeting at 9:25 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
James R. Levick, Mayor
LeAnn Brown, City Clerk
In compliance with the Open Meetings Act of Nebraska, a current copy of the act is posted in the council chambers. Notice of this meeting was posted at City Hall, Garden County Courthouse, and Post Office. The agenda for this meeting was kept current and available for inspection at the office of the City Clerk.
Mayor Levick called the meeting to order and read the Open Meetings Act, LB 898.
Present were: Mayor, Jim Levick and Council Members: David Cook, Gary DeCock, Sarena Assmann, and Terry Davis. Also attending: Attorney, Mary Kay Robinson-Boone, Administrator, Bill Campbell, and City Clerk, LeAnn Brown.
Motion made by Davis, seconded by Assmann, to approve the agenda, approve the minutes of the previous meeting and to waive the reading thereof. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Cook, seconded by DeCock, to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Motion carried unanimously.
A motion by Davis, seconded by Assmann, to approve the following bills. Motion carried unanimously. Salaries-13,208.66, IRS-4,650.27, NE Dept. of Revenue-2,431.01, Bank of America-338.81, Black Hills Energy-363.02, Blue Cross Blue Shield-6,850.99, Budaroo’s Cleaning-149.99, Allen Cassell-15.35, CenturyLink-287.80, Paul Comfort-200.00, Cranmore Pest Control-40.00, DHHS-120.00, Eagle Auto-288.08, Floyd’s-56.15, Garden Co. News-1,082.86, Garden Co. Sheriff-37.14, Kurtzer’s-119.19, Lake Excavation-624.00, LARM-840.17, Miller & Assoc.-14,410.00, Nationwide-197.25, NE Public Health-159.00, NPPD-4,239.80, NW Pipe-143.30, Ogallala Ready Mix- 1,811.00, Lauren Olson-300.00, Oshkosh Eastern Star-186.00, Oshkosh Library-1,000.00, Oshkosh Superette-838.47, Pershing-1,646.32, Ramada Inn-150.00, Rauner & Assoc.-3,465.00, Mary Kay Robinson-Boone-1,750.00, S.A. Foster-1.29, Sedgwick Co. Sales-2,882.10, Spic & Span-3,579.00, True Value-376.60, Tool House Small Engine Repair-128.02, Wagon Wheel Vet-40.00, Westco-412.92, Valley Tire-318.60, Jay Wilson-63.50, Frank Zambrano-87.77
The Health Board Report was discussed. City code violators will be sent letters.
The progress of the wellfield project was discussed. A motion made by DeCock, seconded by Cook, to approve the Transfer Permit Mitigation Agreement with NPNRD. Motion carried unanimously.
A motion by Davis, seconded by Assmann, to deed back the original storage tank site to the original owners. Motion carried unanimously.
Deputy Sheriff Dean handed out the April Sheriff’s Report.
Animal Control Officer, Scotty Ray, handed out his report.
The availability of lifeguards was discussed. The Village of Lewellen has offered to share their lifeguards to help fill in days that are needed in Oshkosh if the schedules allow this possibility.
The Mayor & Council discussed adding language to the nuisance ordinance about having vehicles, stock trailers, and such left on the streets for a long period of time. The amended ordinance will be on next month’s agenda.
Sedgwick County Landfill has indicated they will raise the tipping fees in the near future. Attorney Robinson-Boone will inform the Village of Lewellen of the probable rate increase.
A motion by Davis, seconded by Cook, to approve a Livestock & Fowl Permit to Danielle Waltman for laying hens and Moe Moffat for horses and 4-H animals. Motion carried unanimously.
A discussion was held on fixing the broken benches at the City Auditorium. The benches will be assessed and fixed.
Motion by Assmann, seconded by Davis, to approve Resolution No. 03-17. Motion carried unanimously.
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Oshkosh, in the State of Nebraska as follows:
WHEREAS, there is no safe level of exposure to second hand smoke, whether indoors or outdoors and tobacco products and secondhand exposure to tobacco smoke are related to adverse health risks;
WHEREAS, parents, coaches, and officials serve as role models for youth and should model positive lifestyle choices, including not using tobacco products; and
WHEREAS, use of tobacco products in public places can result in litter and debris that is unsightly and may pose a risk of ingestion by toddlers; and
WHEREAS, restricting use of tobacco products in outdoor facilities is intended to protect and promote the health, safety, and welfare of community residents, particularly children and youth.
NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Council of the City of Oshkosh as follows:
1. That all recreational facilities shall be designated as “tobacco-free” and tobacco use shall be prohibited. Included but not limited to parks, playgrounds, swimming facilities, walking/biking
paths, buildings and all grounds, including exterior open spaces, sidewalks and parking lots;
2. Appropriate signage shall be posted to designated tobacco-free areas;
3. The residents of the City of Oshkosh shall be notified of this Resolution and the
designation of the tobacco-free zones;
4. This policy is intended to be enforced through public information and awareness.
Parks and Recreation Department employees, parents, coaches, and park facility
visitors are encouraged to assist in achieving compliance by bringing this policy to the
attention of person violating the policy. A person found violating the policy may be
asked to cease tobacco use or leave the facility premises.
For the purpose of this policy tobacco includes electronic nicotine delivery systems (e-cigarette
products), cigars, smokeless tobacco, cigarillos, cigarettes, and snus and snuff.
Passed and approved this 11th day of May, 2017.
James R. Levick, Mayor
LeAnn Brown, City Clerk
Motion by Cook, seconded by Davis, to approve Special Designated Liquor License Applications for Garden County FOW, Aerie 4283 on June 24, 2017, and July 1, 2017 at the City Auditorium. Motion carried unanimously.
Going forward anyone requesting to have a dumpster placed at a residence outside the city limits that do not own the property will be required to have the landlord’s permission and signature on the Request for Trash Services form.
A delinquent rural trash customer was discussed. The amount owed will be assessed to their property.
Motion by DeCock, seconded by Cook, to approve Mayor Levicks’ appointments of Dave Bartling and Rob Carlton to the Oshkosh Housing Authority board. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by DeCock, seconded by Davis, to adjourn the meeting at 9:25 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
James R. Levick, Mayor
LeAnn Brown, City Clerk