The City of Oshkosh Mayor and City Council met for regular session on February 14, 2020 at 7:00 p.m.
In compliance with the Open Meetings Act of Nebraska, a current copy of the act is posted in the Council Chambers. Notice of this meeting was posted at City Hall, Garden County Courthouse, and Post Office, and advertised in the Garden County News. The agenda for this meeting was kept current and available for inspection at the office of the City Clerk.
Mayor Levick called the meeting to order and read the Open Meetings Act, LB 898.
Present were: Mayor, Jim Levick, Council Members: Gary DeCock, Terry Davis, and Mike Piva. Absent: Sarena Assmann. Also attending: Administrator, Bill Campbell, Attorney, Mary Kay Robinson-Boone, and Clerk, LeAnn Brown.
Motion made by Davis, seconded by Assmann, to approve the agenda, approve the minutes of the previous meetings and to waive the reading thereof. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Assmann, seconded by Piva, to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Motion carried unanimously.
A motion by DeCock, seconded by Davis, to approve the following bills. Motion carried unanimously. Salaries-15,412.24, IRS-4,498.90, NE Dept. of Revenue-2,429.43, Ameriprise Financial-1,701.00, Bank of America-203.35, Black Hills Energy-964.38, Blue Cross Blue Shield-7,776.13, Bytes-64.00, Central Dist. Health Dept.-321.00, CenturyLink-159.47, CO Time System-5,725.00, Construction Rental Kearney-32.49, Cummins Sales-350.40, Eagle Auto Supply-42.97, Enviro Service-20.00, Garden Co. News-407.98, Ingram Electric-59.00, Elaine Lake-110.09, League of Municipalities-351.00, RJ Meyers-3,500.00, Nationwide-175.30, NPPD-3,413.11, Oshkosh ACE Hardware-174.18, Oshkosh Library-2,000.00, Oshkosh Superette-1,158.33, Peterson Welding-57.50, Scotty Ray-750.00, Mary Kay Robinson-Boone-850.00, Sedgwick Co. Sales-3,502.20, Valley Tire-408.18, WRG-172.00, Wheat Belt PPD-1,196.87
The Health Board did not meet.
Motion by Piva, seconded by Davis, to approve Resolution No. 03-20. Motion carried unanimously.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Oshkosh, in the State of Nebraska as follows:
Section 1. That pursuant to its authority and responsibility to regulate and provide water and sewer services to the residents of the City of Oshkosh in a safe and sanitary manner it is hereby resolved by the Mayor and City Council that an inspection of rental properties in accordance with attached check list prior to connecting services to such residences by the City Administrator or such person as he shall assign such duty.
Section 2. Should City Administrator determine that inspection by the Health Board is necessary he shall refer the property inspection to the Health Board for further inspection and action.
James R. Levick, Mayor
ATTEST: LeAnn Brown, City Clerk
___ Non-leaking roof
___ All plumbing in working order
___ Heating unit or units sufficient to warm entire home
___ Electrical in safe and working order
___ No mold visible
___ Windows open, close and lock
___ Smoke detectors in working order
___ Doors open, close and lock
Sheriff Quinn handed out the January Sheriff’s Report and it was reviewed.
The Animal Control Report was reviewed. A motion by DeCock, seconded by Assmann, to accept Scotty Ray’s resignation as Animal Control Officer and to appoint Jerry Smith as the new Animal Control Officer. Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Levick opened the bids received for taking down the old Midwec building. A motion by Davis, seconded by Piva, to table the awarding of a bid and hold a special meeting February 20, 2020, so to have all contractors present to answer questions from the Mayor and Council. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Assmann, seconded by Piva, to amend the zoning code to add: all eaves on accessory buildings have a minimum of 12 inches, except for carports. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion made by DeCock, seconded by Davis, to accept the Planning Commission’s recommendation to not allow Travis Sullivan a variance for a camper trailer park in the acres. Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Levick accepted the Library’s Annual Report.
Health Insurance for the city employees was discussed. The same plan will be kept.
A motion by Piva, seconded by Assmann, to charge $10.00 fee for turning on or off any sprinkler system. Motion carried unanimously.
One proposal was received for the Construction Management Administration for the sewer project. The Mayor and Council proceeded to the Procurement Procedure. A motion by DeCock, seconded by Assmann, to accept Miller & Associates proposal of $10,000 for the administration services. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Davis, seconded by Piva, to approve a Special Designated Liquor License Application for Fraternal Order of Eagles on April 11, 2020, for the Pheasants Forever Banquet & Auction at the City Auditorium. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Davis, seconded by DeCock, to adjourn the meeting at 8:36 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
James R. Levick, Mayor
LeAnn Brown, City Clerk
In compliance with the Open Meetings Act of Nebraska, a current copy of the act is posted in the Council Chambers. Notice of this meeting was posted at City Hall, Garden County Courthouse, and Post Office, and advertised in the Garden County News. The agenda for this meeting was kept current and available for inspection at the office of the City Clerk.
Mayor Levick called the meeting to order and read the Open Meetings Act, LB 898.
Present were: Mayor, Jim Levick, Council Members: Gary DeCock, Terry Davis, and Mike Piva. Absent: Sarena Assmann. Also attending: Administrator, Bill Campbell, Attorney, Mary Kay Robinson-Boone, and Clerk, LeAnn Brown.
Motion made by Davis, seconded by Assmann, to approve the agenda, approve the minutes of the previous meetings and to waive the reading thereof. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Assmann, seconded by Piva, to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Motion carried unanimously.
A motion by DeCock, seconded by Davis, to approve the following bills. Motion carried unanimously. Salaries-15,412.24, IRS-4,498.90, NE Dept. of Revenue-2,429.43, Ameriprise Financial-1,701.00, Bank of America-203.35, Black Hills Energy-964.38, Blue Cross Blue Shield-7,776.13, Bytes-64.00, Central Dist. Health Dept.-321.00, CenturyLink-159.47, CO Time System-5,725.00, Construction Rental Kearney-32.49, Cummins Sales-350.40, Eagle Auto Supply-42.97, Enviro Service-20.00, Garden Co. News-407.98, Ingram Electric-59.00, Elaine Lake-110.09, League of Municipalities-351.00, RJ Meyers-3,500.00, Nationwide-175.30, NPPD-3,413.11, Oshkosh ACE Hardware-174.18, Oshkosh Library-2,000.00, Oshkosh Superette-1,158.33, Peterson Welding-57.50, Scotty Ray-750.00, Mary Kay Robinson-Boone-850.00, Sedgwick Co. Sales-3,502.20, Valley Tire-408.18, WRG-172.00, Wheat Belt PPD-1,196.87
The Health Board did not meet.
Motion by Piva, seconded by Davis, to approve Resolution No. 03-20. Motion carried unanimously.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Oshkosh, in the State of Nebraska as follows:
Section 1. That pursuant to its authority and responsibility to regulate and provide water and sewer services to the residents of the City of Oshkosh in a safe and sanitary manner it is hereby resolved by the Mayor and City Council that an inspection of rental properties in accordance with attached check list prior to connecting services to such residences by the City Administrator or such person as he shall assign such duty.
Section 2. Should City Administrator determine that inspection by the Health Board is necessary he shall refer the property inspection to the Health Board for further inspection and action.
James R. Levick, Mayor
ATTEST: LeAnn Brown, City Clerk
___ Non-leaking roof
___ All plumbing in working order
___ Heating unit or units sufficient to warm entire home
___ Electrical in safe and working order
___ No mold visible
___ Windows open, close and lock
___ Smoke detectors in working order
___ Doors open, close and lock
Sheriff Quinn handed out the January Sheriff’s Report and it was reviewed.
The Animal Control Report was reviewed. A motion by DeCock, seconded by Assmann, to accept Scotty Ray’s resignation as Animal Control Officer and to appoint Jerry Smith as the new Animal Control Officer. Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Levick opened the bids received for taking down the old Midwec building. A motion by Davis, seconded by Piva, to table the awarding of a bid and hold a special meeting February 20, 2020, so to have all contractors present to answer questions from the Mayor and Council. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Assmann, seconded by Piva, to amend the zoning code to add: all eaves on accessory buildings have a minimum of 12 inches, except for carports. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion made by DeCock, seconded by Davis, to accept the Planning Commission’s recommendation to not allow Travis Sullivan a variance for a camper trailer park in the acres. Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Levick accepted the Library’s Annual Report.
Health Insurance for the city employees was discussed. The same plan will be kept.
A motion by Piva, seconded by Assmann, to charge $10.00 fee for turning on or off any sprinkler system. Motion carried unanimously.
One proposal was received for the Construction Management Administration for the sewer project. The Mayor and Council proceeded to the Procurement Procedure. A motion by DeCock, seconded by Assmann, to accept Miller & Associates proposal of $10,000 for the administration services. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Davis, seconded by Piva, to approve a Special Designated Liquor License Application for Fraternal Order of Eagles on April 11, 2020, for the Pheasants Forever Banquet & Auction at the City Auditorium. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Davis, seconded by DeCock, to adjourn the meeting at 8:36 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
James R. Levick, Mayor
LeAnn Brown, City Clerk