Minutes City Council Meeting July 9, 2020
The City of Oshkosh Mayor and City Council met for regular session on July 9, 2020 at 7:00 p.m.
In compliance with the Open Meetings Act of Nebraska, a current copy of the act is posted in the Council Chambers. Notice of this meeting was advertised in the Garden County News. The agenda for this meeting was kept current and available for inspection at the office of the City Clerk.
Mayor Levick called the meeting to order and read the Open Meetings Act, LB 898.
Present were: Mayor, Jim Levick, Council Members: Gary DeCock, Terry Davis, and Mike Piva. Absent: Sarena Assmann. Also attending: Administrator, Bill Campbell, Attorney, Mary Kay Robinson-Boone, and Clerk, LeAnn Brown.
Motion made by Davis, seconded by DeCock, to approve the agenda, approve the minutes of the previous meeting and to waive the reading thereof. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by DeCock, seconded by Piva, to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Motion carried unanimously.
A motion by Piva, seconded by Assmann, to approve the following bills. Motion carried unanimously. Salaries-21,972.25, IRS-4,708.60, NE Dept. of Revenue-3,207.68, Aflac-85.95, Ameriprise Financial-1,701.00, Bank of America-502.58, Black Hills Energy-182.23, Blue Cross Blue Shield-9,696.36, Bytes-64.00, CenturyLink-177.13, Eagle Auto-467.85, Garden Co.- News-116.16, GCSO-93.05, Garden Co. Register of Deeds-42.00, Heartland Lumber-32.55, League of Municipalities-420.00, Elizabeth Loyd-1,043.32, Chandler McCord-60.87, Connor McCord-57.42, Miller & Assoc.-39,532.50, Municipal Automation & Control-1,197.12, Nationwide-175.30, NMC-121.04, NPPD-2,846.76, Northwest Pipe-178.25, One Call Concepts-42.58, Oshkosh ACE Hardware-226.00, Oshkosh Library-2,646.00, Plummer Ins.-100.00, Mary Kay Robinson-Boone-1,360.00, Sedgwick Co. Sales-3,992.76, Small Engine Repair-15.00, Jerry Smith-700.00, Courtney Stegman-539.85, Valley Repair-13.00, Valley Tire-2,424.81, Wheat Belt PPD-1,484.11, Whiskeyboard Construction-262.50, Mason Zorn-451.78
The Health Board Report was gone over. Letters will be sent to code violators.
The Mayor and Council discussed purchasing a radar speed sign. Several grants for this sign will be sought.
The Sheriff’s Report was received by Sheriff Deputy Dean and reviewed. Deputy Dean also introduced the newly hired Deputy, Jake Seibert.
The Animal Control Report was gone over.
Motion by DeCock, seconded by Davis, to approve Resolution No. 05-20. Motion carried unanimously.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Oshkosh, in the State of Nebraska as follows:
Section 1. That pursuant to Governor Rickett’s Executive Orders 20-03 and 20-24 (attached hereto) allowing meetings to be held by videoconference, telephone conferencing, or by conferencing by other electronic communication during the Covid-19 crisis, the City Council of the City of Oshkosh did hold meetings by telephone conferencing.
Section 2. The meetings so held were on April 9, May 1, May 29, and June 11, 2020. The minutes of these meetings are attached to this Resolution.
Section 3. That the Mayor and City Council hereby ratify all actions taken during these meetings as the true actions of the Oshkosh City Council.
James R. Levick, Mayor
LeAnn Brown, City Clerk
Motion by Piva, seconded by DeCock, to approve Resolution No. 06-21. Motion carried unanimously.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Oshkosh, in the State of Nebraska as follows:
Section 1. That May 1, 2020 the Oshkosh City Council did meet to consider recommendation of Economic Development Committee for sale of property the following property to Oshkosh Truck Shop LLC pursuant to its authority under Nebraska Statute LB840. The Council, after discussion, unanimously approved the sale.
That part of Tax Lot 16 in Section 36, Township 17 North, Range 44 West of the 6th P.M., in Garden County, Nebraska, lying North of the highway 26 right-of-way, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the center of Section 36; thence, along the North-South Quarter Section line, which is also the East line of Tax Lot 16, N 00°02’30” E 38.43 feet to the intersection of said East line with the Northerly line of the Highway 26 right-of-way, the true point of beginning; thence, along said East line, N 00°02’30” E 474.32 feet to the Southerly line of the UPRR right-of-way, which is also the Northerly line of Tax Lot 16; thence, along said Northerly line, N 65°55’10” W 531.35 feet to its intersection with the Southerly line of a canal; thence, along said Southerly line, S 70°11’W 247.42 feet to an old fence accepted to be the West line of Tax Lot 16; thence, along said West line, S 00°14’30” W 607.0 feet to its intersection with the North line of the Highway 26 right-of-way; thence, along said North line, N 87°50’25” E 290.88 feet and S 88°54’10” E 429.51 feet to the true point of beginning.
Section 2. The terms of sale are $500,000 purchase price, $100,000 cash and $400,000 loan from the City’s Economic Development fund in accordance with terms of Promissory note and recommendations of Economic Development Committee.
James R. Levick, Mayor
LeAnn Brown, City Clerk
The 2020-2021 budget was discussed.
Motion by DeCock, seconded by Davis, to re-appoint Lavonne Noetzelmann to the Oshkosh Housing Authority Board. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Piva, seconded by DeCock, to allow Kristin Loomis to defer her loan payments for three months. Motion carried unanimously.
A discussion was held on amending the Fireworks Ordinance to add hours for igniting them. An ordinance will be on next month’s agenda.
Motion by Davis, seconded by DeCock, to approve a Special Designated Liquor License Application
for Calliahn Enterprises LLC, for a wedding reception on September 12, 2020, at the City Auditorium.
Motion carried unanimously.
Attorney Robinson-Boone discussed with the Mayor and Council the NDEE grants that the city is
eligible to apply for in the near future.
Motion by Davis, seconded by DeCock, to approve a building permit for Derek Petersen. Motion
carried unanimously.
Motion made by Piva, seconded by Davis, to approve an Addendum to Agreement for the use of
municipal property. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Davis, seconded by DeCock, to adjourn the meeting at 8:51 p.m. Motion carried
James R. Levick, Mayor
LeAnn Brown, City Clerk
In compliance with the Open Meetings Act of Nebraska, a current copy of the act is posted in the Council Chambers. Notice of this meeting was advertised in the Garden County News. The agenda for this meeting was kept current and available for inspection at the office of the City Clerk.
Mayor Levick called the meeting to order and read the Open Meetings Act, LB 898.
Present were: Mayor, Jim Levick, Council Members: Gary DeCock, Terry Davis, and Mike Piva. Absent: Sarena Assmann. Also attending: Administrator, Bill Campbell, Attorney, Mary Kay Robinson-Boone, and Clerk, LeAnn Brown.
Motion made by Davis, seconded by DeCock, to approve the agenda, approve the minutes of the previous meeting and to waive the reading thereof. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by DeCock, seconded by Piva, to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Motion carried unanimously.
A motion by Piva, seconded by Assmann, to approve the following bills. Motion carried unanimously. Salaries-21,972.25, IRS-4,708.60, NE Dept. of Revenue-3,207.68, Aflac-85.95, Ameriprise Financial-1,701.00, Bank of America-502.58, Black Hills Energy-182.23, Blue Cross Blue Shield-9,696.36, Bytes-64.00, CenturyLink-177.13, Eagle Auto-467.85, Garden Co.- News-116.16, GCSO-93.05, Garden Co. Register of Deeds-42.00, Heartland Lumber-32.55, League of Municipalities-420.00, Elizabeth Loyd-1,043.32, Chandler McCord-60.87, Connor McCord-57.42, Miller & Assoc.-39,532.50, Municipal Automation & Control-1,197.12, Nationwide-175.30, NMC-121.04, NPPD-2,846.76, Northwest Pipe-178.25, One Call Concepts-42.58, Oshkosh ACE Hardware-226.00, Oshkosh Library-2,646.00, Plummer Ins.-100.00, Mary Kay Robinson-Boone-1,360.00, Sedgwick Co. Sales-3,992.76, Small Engine Repair-15.00, Jerry Smith-700.00, Courtney Stegman-539.85, Valley Repair-13.00, Valley Tire-2,424.81, Wheat Belt PPD-1,484.11, Whiskeyboard Construction-262.50, Mason Zorn-451.78
The Health Board Report was gone over. Letters will be sent to code violators.
The Mayor and Council discussed purchasing a radar speed sign. Several grants for this sign will be sought.
The Sheriff’s Report was received by Sheriff Deputy Dean and reviewed. Deputy Dean also introduced the newly hired Deputy, Jake Seibert.
The Animal Control Report was gone over.
Motion by DeCock, seconded by Davis, to approve Resolution No. 05-20. Motion carried unanimously.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Oshkosh, in the State of Nebraska as follows:
Section 1. That pursuant to Governor Rickett’s Executive Orders 20-03 and 20-24 (attached hereto) allowing meetings to be held by videoconference, telephone conferencing, or by conferencing by other electronic communication during the Covid-19 crisis, the City Council of the City of Oshkosh did hold meetings by telephone conferencing.
Section 2. The meetings so held were on April 9, May 1, May 29, and June 11, 2020. The minutes of these meetings are attached to this Resolution.
Section 3. That the Mayor and City Council hereby ratify all actions taken during these meetings as the true actions of the Oshkosh City Council.
James R. Levick, Mayor
LeAnn Brown, City Clerk
Motion by Piva, seconded by DeCock, to approve Resolution No. 06-21. Motion carried unanimously.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Oshkosh, in the State of Nebraska as follows:
Section 1. That May 1, 2020 the Oshkosh City Council did meet to consider recommendation of Economic Development Committee for sale of property the following property to Oshkosh Truck Shop LLC pursuant to its authority under Nebraska Statute LB840. The Council, after discussion, unanimously approved the sale.
That part of Tax Lot 16 in Section 36, Township 17 North, Range 44 West of the 6th P.M., in Garden County, Nebraska, lying North of the highway 26 right-of-way, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the center of Section 36; thence, along the North-South Quarter Section line, which is also the East line of Tax Lot 16, N 00°02’30” E 38.43 feet to the intersection of said East line with the Northerly line of the Highway 26 right-of-way, the true point of beginning; thence, along said East line, N 00°02’30” E 474.32 feet to the Southerly line of the UPRR right-of-way, which is also the Northerly line of Tax Lot 16; thence, along said Northerly line, N 65°55’10” W 531.35 feet to its intersection with the Southerly line of a canal; thence, along said Southerly line, S 70°11’W 247.42 feet to an old fence accepted to be the West line of Tax Lot 16; thence, along said West line, S 00°14’30” W 607.0 feet to its intersection with the North line of the Highway 26 right-of-way; thence, along said North line, N 87°50’25” E 290.88 feet and S 88°54’10” E 429.51 feet to the true point of beginning.
Section 2. The terms of sale are $500,000 purchase price, $100,000 cash and $400,000 loan from the City’s Economic Development fund in accordance with terms of Promissory note and recommendations of Economic Development Committee.
James R. Levick, Mayor
LeAnn Brown, City Clerk
The 2020-2021 budget was discussed.
Motion by DeCock, seconded by Davis, to re-appoint Lavonne Noetzelmann to the Oshkosh Housing Authority Board. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Piva, seconded by DeCock, to allow Kristin Loomis to defer her loan payments for three months. Motion carried unanimously.
A discussion was held on amending the Fireworks Ordinance to add hours for igniting them. An ordinance will be on next month’s agenda.
Motion by Davis, seconded by DeCock, to approve a Special Designated Liquor License Application
for Calliahn Enterprises LLC, for a wedding reception on September 12, 2020, at the City Auditorium.
Motion carried unanimously.
Attorney Robinson-Boone discussed with the Mayor and Council the NDEE grants that the city is
eligible to apply for in the near future.
Motion by Davis, seconded by DeCock, to approve a building permit for Derek Petersen. Motion
carried unanimously.
Motion made by Piva, seconded by Davis, to approve an Addendum to Agreement for the use of
municipal property. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Davis, seconded by DeCock, to adjourn the meeting at 8:51 p.m. Motion carried
James R. Levick, Mayor
LeAnn Brown, City Clerk