The City of Oshkosh Council met for the budget hearing on September 9, 2021.
In compliance with the Open Meetings Act of Nebraska, a current copy of the act is posted in the council chambers. Notice of the budget hearing was published in the Garden County News, and posted at City Hall, Garden County Courthouse and Post Office.
President Piva called the meeting to order and read the Open Meetings Act, LB898.
Present were: Mike Piva, Gary DeCock, Cole Birkel, George Zoucha. Absent: Terry Davis. Also attending: Bill Campbell, Administrator, Mary Kay Robinson-Boone, Attorney, LeAnn Brown, Clerk.
President Piva opened the budget hearing at 5:00 p.m. Trevor Schussler, Budget Preparer, gave a presentation on the proposed 2021-2022 budget. No persons spoke in favor or against said budget.
President Piva closed the budget hearing at 5:10 p.m. and adjourned the hearing.
Michael J. Piva, President of the Council
LeAnn Brown, City Clerk
The City of Oshkosh Council met for regular session on August 12, 2021 at 5:10 p.m.
In compliance with the Open Meetings Act of Nebraska, a current copy of the act is posted in the Council Chambers. Notice of this meeting was advertised in the Garden County News and posted at the Oshkosh Post Office, City Hall and Courthouse. The agenda for this meeting was kept current and available for inspection at City Hall.
President Piva called the meeting to order and read the Open Meetings Act, LV 898.
Council Members: Gary DeCock, Mike Piva, Cole Birkel, George Zoucha. Absent: Terry Davis. Also attending: Administrator, Bill Campbell, Attorney, Mary Kay Robinson-Boone, City Clerk, LeAnn Brown.
Motion by Zoucha, seconded by DeCock, to approve the agenda, approve the minutes of the previous meetings and to waive the reading thereof. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by DeCock, seconded by Birkel, to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Motion carried unanimously.
A motion by Birkel, seconded by Zoucha, to approve the following bills. Motion carried unanimously. Salaries-16,851.66, IRS-4,453.12-Taxes, NE Dept. of Revenue-4,743.65-Taxes, NE Dept. of Revenue-25.00-Waste Reduction Fee, Ameriprise Financial-1,467.60-Retirement, Bank of America-2,912.28-Postage & Supplies, Black Hills-167.88-Heat, Blue Cross Blue Shield-6,333.82-Ins., LeAnn Brown-73.92-Mileage, Bytes-66.00-Computer Support, William Campell-90.72-Mileage, Century Link-166.53-Phone, Cummins Sales-1,003.20-Generator Maintenance, Eagle Auto-40.16-Repirs, Enviro Service-20.00-Water Testing, Garden Co. News-259.24-Publishing, Garden Co. Treas.-23,893.28-Police Contract, Hinton’s Lock-1,567.30-Automatic Lock, LARM-28,249.00-Ins., League of Municipalities-544.00-Conference, Miller & Assoc.-22,962.25-Sewer Project, Myers Construction-486,692.29-Sewer Project, Moffat Land Co.-100.00-Machine Hire, Municipal Supply-1,391.28-Waterworks, NMC-1,928.46-Parts, NE Clerks Assoc.-25.00-Dues, NPPD-3,434.91-Electricity, Northwest Pipe-1,154.43-Waterworks & Repairs, Oshkosh ACE Hardware-255.58-Repairs & Supplies, Oshkosh Library-1,464.00-Books, Panhandle Tech-90.00-Software Repair, Reliance Standard-407.85-Life/AD&D, Mary Kay Boone-1,000.00-Attorney Fees, Jerry Smith-700.00-Animal Control, USA BlueBook-87.99-Repairs, Valley Repair-Repairs, Valley Tire-548.46-Fuel, Joe Walker-68.75-Labor, Waste Connections-11,408.00-Trash Contract, WCNDD-2,159.25-Nuisances, Wheat Belt-1,983.29-Electricity
Randy Ross, Temporary Sheriff Interim, presented the July and August Sheriff Reports.
A motion by DeCock, seconded by Zoucha, to approve the 2020-2021 proposed budget. Motion carried unanimously.
President Piva opened the Levy Hearing at 5:16 p.m. No persons were present to give public comment for or against said proposed levy. The Levy Hearing was closed at 5:17 p.m. After the hearing was closed, Mildred Lopez had a question and Trevor Schussler answered.
Motion by Zoucha, seconded by DeCock, to set levies at a different amount then the last budget year. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Zoucha, seconded by Birkel, to approve Resolution No. 21-21. Motion carried unanimously.
WHEREAS, Nebraska Revised Statute Section 77-1601.02 provides that the property tax request for the prior year shall be the property tax request for the current year for purposes of the levy set by the County Board of Equalization unless the Governing Body of the City of Oshkosh passes by a majority vote a resolution or ordinance setting the tax request at a different amount; and
WHEREAS, a special public hearing was held as required by law to hear and consider comments concerning the property tax request; and
WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the City of Oshkosh that the property tax request for the current year be a different amount than the property tax request for the prior year.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Governing Body of the City of Oshkosh, Nebraska, by majority vote, resolves that:
per $100 of assessed value.
6. A copy of this resolution be certified and forwarded to the County Clerk prior to
October 13, 2021.
Passed and approved this 9th day of September, 2021.
Michael J. Piva
President of the City Council
LeAnn Brown, City Clerk
The Animal Control Report was reviewed.
Garden County Commissioner, Terry Krauter discussed with the council an Interlocal Agreement to share costs for a roll-out container that county and city residents could use for larger items that
won’t fit in a regular dumpster. Motion by Zoucha, seconded by DeCock, to approve the Interlocal Agreement with Garden County for said roll-out container. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by DeCock, seconded by Birkel, to approve Resolution No. 20-21. Motion carried unanimously.
Resolution 20-21
Rescinding Resolution No. 05-21
WHEREAS, the City of Oshkosh (hereinafter the City) is engaged in a Nuisance Abatement Process; and
WHEREAS, the City appointed the West Central Nebraska Development District (WCNDD) as Nuisance Officer; and
WHEREAS, WCNDD identified and confirmed that in its opinion a nuisance exists as defined by Federal, State, City law; and City Council, at a regular meeting, identified nuisance property, supported by evidence; and
WHEREAS, WCNDD now has evidence that the nuisance violation declared in Resolution No. 05-21, which is abated and the property cleared of nuisances.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Oshkosh rescinds Resolution No. 05-21 on the following property:
CASE NO._________________________PHYSICAL ADDRESS
2021 OSH 019 205 W. Ave B, Oshkosh, NE
Michael J. Piva, President of the Council
LeAnn Brown, City Clerk
Erica Bush, representing WCNDD requested the council to abate two properties. Motion by Zoucha, seconded by Birkel, to abate OSH 037 200 East Ave A and OSH 057 208 West Ave C. Motion carried unanimously.
Amy Leach spoke to the council concerning her extremely high August water usage. She asked if council could reduce her usage because an unknown subject turned her outside faucet on without her knowledge. Motion by Zoucha, to split the usage with Leach. No second motion, so motion died. Motion by DeCock to reduce the water amount to $75.00, seconded by Zoucha. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by DeCock, seconded by Zoucha, to approve building permits for Dennis Warner and Kathy Warner. Motion carried unanimously.
Don Stanton spoke to the council about his building permit for a garage. The permit does not meet the current zoning code and no action taken.
Attorney Robinson-Boone discussed with the council Galen Clark’s request for help in tearing down a house on his property.
Motion by DeCock, seconded by Birkel, to approve a Fence Permit for Nathan Loyd. Motion carried unanimously.
President Piva opened the two bids that were received for fencing at the ballfield. Motion by Birkel, seconded by Zoucha, to accept Rodriguez Fencing’s lowest bid of $28,596.00, contingent that all specifications can be met. Motion carried unanimously.
The council and Nate and Liz Loyd, Ballpark Directors, discussed the fieldwork that will begin soon.
The City of Oshkosh has received grants from Buckley Trust, Turner Foundation and MLB/MLBPA for some of the new fencing and fieldwork.
Motion by Birkel, seconded by Zoucha, to charge the following rates: Building Permits for Businesses and/or Residents: $500, Accessory Building Permits: $35, (one-half of the cost refunded if permit is denied), Annexation Fee: $1,500, and Subdivision Applications: $1,500. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Birkel, seconded by Zoucha, to approve a Special Designated Liquor License Application for Fraternal Order of Eagles on October 9, 2021 at the Auditorium. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by DeCock, seconded by Birkel, to award the lowest bid of $100,372.50 to Midlands Contracting for the sanitary sewer CCTV. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Zoucha, seconded by DeCock, to adjourn the meeting at 7:11 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
Michael J. Piva, President of the Council
LeAnn Brown, City Clerk
The City of Oshkosh Council met for the budget hearing on September 9, 2021.
In compliance with the Open Meetings Act of Nebraska, a current copy of the act is posted in the council chambers. Notice of the budget hearing was published in the Garden County News, and posted at City Hall, Garden County Courthouse and Post Office.
President Piva called the meeting to order and read the Open Meetings Act, LB898.
Present were: Mike Piva, Gary DeCock, Cole Birkel, George Zoucha. Absent: Terry Davis. Also attending: Bill Campbell, Administrator, Mary Kay Robinson-Boone, Attorney, LeAnn Brown, Clerk.
President Piva opened the budget hearing at 5:00 p.m. Trevor Schussler, Budget Preparer, gave a presentation on the proposed 2021-2022 budget. No persons spoke in favor or against said budget.
President Piva closed the budget hearing at 5:10 p.m. and adjourned the hearing.
Michael J. Piva, President of the Council
LeAnn Brown, City Clerk
The City of Oshkosh Council met for regular session on August 12, 2021 at 5:10 p.m.
In compliance with the Open Meetings Act of Nebraska, a current copy of the act is posted in the Council Chambers. Notice of this meeting was advertised in the Garden County News and posted at the Oshkosh Post Office, City Hall and Courthouse. The agenda for this meeting was kept current and available for inspection at City Hall.
President Piva called the meeting to order and read the Open Meetings Act, LV 898.
Council Members: Gary DeCock, Mike Piva, Cole Birkel, George Zoucha. Absent: Terry Davis. Also attending: Administrator, Bill Campbell, Attorney, Mary Kay Robinson-Boone, City Clerk, LeAnn Brown.
Motion by Zoucha, seconded by DeCock, to approve the agenda, approve the minutes of the previous meetings and to waive the reading thereof. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by DeCock, seconded by Birkel, to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Motion carried unanimously.
A motion by Birkel, seconded by Zoucha, to approve the following bills. Motion carried unanimously. Salaries-16,851.66, IRS-4,453.12-Taxes, NE Dept. of Revenue-4,743.65-Taxes, NE Dept. of Revenue-25.00-Waste Reduction Fee, Ameriprise Financial-1,467.60-Retirement, Bank of America-2,912.28-Postage & Supplies, Black Hills-167.88-Heat, Blue Cross Blue Shield-6,333.82-Ins., LeAnn Brown-73.92-Mileage, Bytes-66.00-Computer Support, William Campell-90.72-Mileage, Century Link-166.53-Phone, Cummins Sales-1,003.20-Generator Maintenance, Eagle Auto-40.16-Repirs, Enviro Service-20.00-Water Testing, Garden Co. News-259.24-Publishing, Garden Co. Treas.-23,893.28-Police Contract, Hinton’s Lock-1,567.30-Automatic Lock, LARM-28,249.00-Ins., League of Municipalities-544.00-Conference, Miller & Assoc.-22,962.25-Sewer Project, Myers Construction-486,692.29-Sewer Project, Moffat Land Co.-100.00-Machine Hire, Municipal Supply-1,391.28-Waterworks, NMC-1,928.46-Parts, NE Clerks Assoc.-25.00-Dues, NPPD-3,434.91-Electricity, Northwest Pipe-1,154.43-Waterworks & Repairs, Oshkosh ACE Hardware-255.58-Repairs & Supplies, Oshkosh Library-1,464.00-Books, Panhandle Tech-90.00-Software Repair, Reliance Standard-407.85-Life/AD&D, Mary Kay Boone-1,000.00-Attorney Fees, Jerry Smith-700.00-Animal Control, USA BlueBook-87.99-Repairs, Valley Repair-Repairs, Valley Tire-548.46-Fuel, Joe Walker-68.75-Labor, Waste Connections-11,408.00-Trash Contract, WCNDD-2,159.25-Nuisances, Wheat Belt-1,983.29-Electricity
Randy Ross, Temporary Sheriff Interim, presented the July and August Sheriff Reports.
A motion by DeCock, seconded by Zoucha, to approve the 2020-2021 proposed budget. Motion carried unanimously.
President Piva opened the Levy Hearing at 5:16 p.m. No persons were present to give public comment for or against said proposed levy. The Levy Hearing was closed at 5:17 p.m. After the hearing was closed, Mildred Lopez had a question and Trevor Schussler answered.
Motion by Zoucha, seconded by DeCock, to set levies at a different amount then the last budget year. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Zoucha, seconded by Birkel, to approve Resolution No. 21-21. Motion carried unanimously.
WHEREAS, Nebraska Revised Statute Section 77-1601.02 provides that the property tax request for the prior year shall be the property tax request for the current year for purposes of the levy set by the County Board of Equalization unless the Governing Body of the City of Oshkosh passes by a majority vote a resolution or ordinance setting the tax request at a different amount; and
WHEREAS, a special public hearing was held as required by law to hear and consider comments concerning the property tax request; and
WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the City of Oshkosh that the property tax request for the current year be a different amount than the property tax request for the prior year.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Governing Body of the City of Oshkosh, Nebraska, by majority vote, resolves that:
- The 2021-2022 property tax request be set at $111,377, or $0.350483 per one hundred dollars of actual valuation: General Fund amount of $60,220 and Bond
- The total assessed value of the property differs from last year’s assessed value by
- The tax rate which would levy the same amount of property taxes as last year,
per $100 of assessed value.
- The City of Oshkosh proposes to adopt a property tax request that will cause its
- Based on the proposed property tax request and changes in other revenue, the
6. A copy of this resolution be certified and forwarded to the County Clerk prior to
October 13, 2021.
Passed and approved this 9th day of September, 2021.
Michael J. Piva
President of the City Council
LeAnn Brown, City Clerk
The Animal Control Report was reviewed.
Garden County Commissioner, Terry Krauter discussed with the council an Interlocal Agreement to share costs for a roll-out container that county and city residents could use for larger items that
won’t fit in a regular dumpster. Motion by Zoucha, seconded by DeCock, to approve the Interlocal Agreement with Garden County for said roll-out container. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by DeCock, seconded by Birkel, to approve Resolution No. 20-21. Motion carried unanimously.
Resolution 20-21
Rescinding Resolution No. 05-21
WHEREAS, the City of Oshkosh (hereinafter the City) is engaged in a Nuisance Abatement Process; and
WHEREAS, the City appointed the West Central Nebraska Development District (WCNDD) as Nuisance Officer; and
WHEREAS, WCNDD identified and confirmed that in its opinion a nuisance exists as defined by Federal, State, City law; and City Council, at a regular meeting, identified nuisance property, supported by evidence; and
WHEREAS, WCNDD now has evidence that the nuisance violation declared in Resolution No. 05-21, which is abated and the property cleared of nuisances.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Oshkosh rescinds Resolution No. 05-21 on the following property:
CASE NO._________________________PHYSICAL ADDRESS
2021 OSH 019 205 W. Ave B, Oshkosh, NE
Michael J. Piva, President of the Council
LeAnn Brown, City Clerk
Erica Bush, representing WCNDD requested the council to abate two properties. Motion by Zoucha, seconded by Birkel, to abate OSH 037 200 East Ave A and OSH 057 208 West Ave C. Motion carried unanimously.
Amy Leach spoke to the council concerning her extremely high August water usage. She asked if council could reduce her usage because an unknown subject turned her outside faucet on without her knowledge. Motion by Zoucha, to split the usage with Leach. No second motion, so motion died. Motion by DeCock to reduce the water amount to $75.00, seconded by Zoucha. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by DeCock, seconded by Zoucha, to approve building permits for Dennis Warner and Kathy Warner. Motion carried unanimously.
Don Stanton spoke to the council about his building permit for a garage. The permit does not meet the current zoning code and no action taken.
Attorney Robinson-Boone discussed with the council Galen Clark’s request for help in tearing down a house on his property.
Motion by DeCock, seconded by Birkel, to approve a Fence Permit for Nathan Loyd. Motion carried unanimously.
President Piva opened the two bids that were received for fencing at the ballfield. Motion by Birkel, seconded by Zoucha, to accept Rodriguez Fencing’s lowest bid of $28,596.00, contingent that all specifications can be met. Motion carried unanimously.
The council and Nate and Liz Loyd, Ballpark Directors, discussed the fieldwork that will begin soon.
The City of Oshkosh has received grants from Buckley Trust, Turner Foundation and MLB/MLBPA for some of the new fencing and fieldwork.
Motion by Birkel, seconded by Zoucha, to charge the following rates: Building Permits for Businesses and/or Residents: $500, Accessory Building Permits: $35, (one-half of the cost refunded if permit is denied), Annexation Fee: $1,500, and Subdivision Applications: $1,500. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Birkel, seconded by Zoucha, to approve a Special Designated Liquor License Application for Fraternal Order of Eagles on October 9, 2021 at the Auditorium. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by DeCock, seconded by Birkel, to award the lowest bid of $100,372.50 to Midlands Contracting for the sanitary sewer CCTV. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Zoucha, seconded by DeCock, to adjourn the meeting at 7:11 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
Michael J. Piva, President of the Council
LeAnn Brown, City Clerk