The City of Oshkosh Mayor and City Council met for regular session on April 8, 2021 at
5:00 p.m.
In compliance with the Open Meetings Act of Nebraska, a current copy of the act is posted in the Council Chambers. Notice of this meeting was advertised in the Garden County News. The agenda for this meeting was kept current and available for inspection at the office of the City Clerk.
Mayor Levick called the meeting to order and read the Open Meetings Act, LV 898.
Present were: Mayor Terry Davis, Council Members: Mike Piva, Cole Birkel, and George Zoucha. Absent: Gary DeCock. Also attending: Administrator, Bill Campbell, Attorney, Mary Kay Robinson-Boone, and Clerk, LeAnn Brown.
Motion by Piva, seconded by Birkel, to approve the agenda, approve the minutes of the previous meetings and to waive the reading thereof. AYE: Piva, Birkel, Zoucha. Motion carried.
Motion by Zoucha, seconded by Piva, to approve the Treasurer’s Report. AYE: Zoucha, Piva, Birkel. Motion carried.
A motion by Piva, seconded by Zoucha, to approve the following bills. AYE: Piva, Zoucha, Birkel. Motion carried. Salaries-16,747.11, IRS-4,362.08, NE Dept. of Revenue-2,445.80, Aflac-85.95, Alter Metal Recycling-127.50, Ameriprise Financial-1,783.60, Tiana Arensdorf-60.87, Bank of America-270.62, Black Hills Energy-797.98, Blue Cross Blue Shield-8,516.09, Bytes-66.00, Bill Campbell-1,200.00, Century Link-199.03, Cooper Construction-135.00, Eagle Auto-1234.48, Enviro Service-20.00, Garden Co. News-736.49, GCSO-37.18, Jordan’s-521.54, JP Cooke-137.55, Kruetzer’s-226.22, Michael Todd Co.-1243.49, Nationwide-206.20, NMPP-726.36, NPPD-2,681.21, One Call Concepts-35.00, Oshkosh ACE Hardware-89.96, Oshkosh Library-3000.00, Jayson Peezke-86.14, Mary Kay Robinson-Boone-500.00, Sedgwick Co. Sales-3,524.40, Jerry Smith-700.00, Valley Repair-192.00, Valley Tire-2,009.69, WRG-172.00, Wheat Belt PPD-1,237.98
Motion by Piva, seconded by Birkel, to approve warrant #31466-salary-308.91. AYE: Piva, Birkel, Davis. Abstained: Zoucha. Motion carried.
No Sheriff’s Report available.
The Animal Control Report was reviewed.
Ken Halvorsen, representing NeRWA went over the Initial Financial Managerial Water System Assessment with the Mayor and Council.
Motion by Piva, seconded by Zoucha, to sign the Agreement with WCNDD for nuisances and code violators. AYE: Piva, Zoucha, Birkel. Motion carried.
Motion by Piva, seconded by Birkel, to approve the Agreement for Solid Waste Services with Waste Connects of Nebraska. AYE: Piva, Birkel, Zoucha. Motion carried. A letter will be sent to all trash customers when every detail is known.
Joe McGinley, representing the Airport Board explained the changes to the airport zoning. Motion by Piva, seconded by Zoucha, to adopt into the City’s Zoning the Airport Zoning Regulations. AYE: Piva, Zoucha, Birkel. Motion carried.
A discussion was held on Baseball/Softball Leagues. At the present the city will remain with Border League.
Motion by Zoucha, seconded by Birkel to approve the recommendation from the Planning Commission for any modification of a current storefront in the commercial district, south of the railroad tracks, must apply for a building permit, to be brought before the Planning & Zoning Board for their recommendation. AYE: Zoucha, Birkel, Piva. Motion carried.
Thursday, May 6th has been set for City Wide Cleanup Day with May 7th as an alternate storm date. A roll-off container will be available for city residents use on cleanup day.
Motion by Piva, seconded by Zoucha, to approve building permits for Clint Holthus and Debra Schubert. AYE: Piva, Zoucha, Birkel. Motion carried.
Motion by Zoucha, seconded by Birkel, to approve Debra Condra’s building permit on the contingency that the overhang is 12 inches. AYE: Zoucha, Birkel, Piva. Motion carried.
Administrator Campbell discussed with the Mayor and Council about allowing a storage building in the commercial district. No action taken.
Motion by Piva, seconded by Zoucha, to adjourn the meeting. AYE: Piva, Zoucha, Birkel. Motion carried.
Terry G. Davis, Mayor
LeAnn Brown, City Clerk
5:00 p.m.
In compliance with the Open Meetings Act of Nebraska, a current copy of the act is posted in the Council Chambers. Notice of this meeting was advertised in the Garden County News. The agenda for this meeting was kept current and available for inspection at the office of the City Clerk.
Mayor Levick called the meeting to order and read the Open Meetings Act, LV 898.
Present were: Mayor Terry Davis, Council Members: Mike Piva, Cole Birkel, and George Zoucha. Absent: Gary DeCock. Also attending: Administrator, Bill Campbell, Attorney, Mary Kay Robinson-Boone, and Clerk, LeAnn Brown.
Motion by Piva, seconded by Birkel, to approve the agenda, approve the minutes of the previous meetings and to waive the reading thereof. AYE: Piva, Birkel, Zoucha. Motion carried.
Motion by Zoucha, seconded by Piva, to approve the Treasurer’s Report. AYE: Zoucha, Piva, Birkel. Motion carried.
A motion by Piva, seconded by Zoucha, to approve the following bills. AYE: Piva, Zoucha, Birkel. Motion carried. Salaries-16,747.11, IRS-4,362.08, NE Dept. of Revenue-2,445.80, Aflac-85.95, Alter Metal Recycling-127.50, Ameriprise Financial-1,783.60, Tiana Arensdorf-60.87, Bank of America-270.62, Black Hills Energy-797.98, Blue Cross Blue Shield-8,516.09, Bytes-66.00, Bill Campbell-1,200.00, Century Link-199.03, Cooper Construction-135.00, Eagle Auto-1234.48, Enviro Service-20.00, Garden Co. News-736.49, GCSO-37.18, Jordan’s-521.54, JP Cooke-137.55, Kruetzer’s-226.22, Michael Todd Co.-1243.49, Nationwide-206.20, NMPP-726.36, NPPD-2,681.21, One Call Concepts-35.00, Oshkosh ACE Hardware-89.96, Oshkosh Library-3000.00, Jayson Peezke-86.14, Mary Kay Robinson-Boone-500.00, Sedgwick Co. Sales-3,524.40, Jerry Smith-700.00, Valley Repair-192.00, Valley Tire-2,009.69, WRG-172.00, Wheat Belt PPD-1,237.98
Motion by Piva, seconded by Birkel, to approve warrant #31466-salary-308.91. AYE: Piva, Birkel, Davis. Abstained: Zoucha. Motion carried.
No Sheriff’s Report available.
The Animal Control Report was reviewed.
Ken Halvorsen, representing NeRWA went over the Initial Financial Managerial Water System Assessment with the Mayor and Council.
Motion by Piva, seconded by Zoucha, to sign the Agreement with WCNDD for nuisances and code violators. AYE: Piva, Zoucha, Birkel. Motion carried.
Motion by Piva, seconded by Birkel, to approve the Agreement for Solid Waste Services with Waste Connects of Nebraska. AYE: Piva, Birkel, Zoucha. Motion carried. A letter will be sent to all trash customers when every detail is known.
Joe McGinley, representing the Airport Board explained the changes to the airport zoning. Motion by Piva, seconded by Zoucha, to adopt into the City’s Zoning the Airport Zoning Regulations. AYE: Piva, Zoucha, Birkel. Motion carried.
A discussion was held on Baseball/Softball Leagues. At the present the city will remain with Border League.
Motion by Zoucha, seconded by Birkel to approve the recommendation from the Planning Commission for any modification of a current storefront in the commercial district, south of the railroad tracks, must apply for a building permit, to be brought before the Planning & Zoning Board for their recommendation. AYE: Zoucha, Birkel, Piva. Motion carried.
Thursday, May 6th has been set for City Wide Cleanup Day with May 7th as an alternate storm date. A roll-off container will be available for city residents use on cleanup day.
Motion by Piva, seconded by Zoucha, to approve building permits for Clint Holthus and Debra Schubert. AYE: Piva, Zoucha, Birkel. Motion carried.
Motion by Zoucha, seconded by Birkel, to approve Debra Condra’s building permit on the contingency that the overhang is 12 inches. AYE: Zoucha, Birkel, Piva. Motion carried.
Administrator Campbell discussed with the Mayor and Council about allowing a storage building in the commercial district. No action taken.
Motion by Piva, seconded by Zoucha, to adjourn the meeting. AYE: Piva, Zoucha, Birkel. Motion carried.
Terry G. Davis, Mayor
LeAnn Brown, City Clerk